Saturday, May 28, 2011

Time to brush off 1/2 of KyuGaku

MIN'NA!!!!!!!!!!! SINCE WE'RE SO BUSY! ABOUT BANDS AND STUFF... specially in TUMBLR, we've become quite tired...... even so, here's a story but this isn't a part of KyuGaku.

Beyond Happiness Chapter 1:
Coincidence  ●  Fake

“Yo. I’m Kureshi Namikawa… 2nd Year student from Setsuzoki Gakuen. I’m unsure of things and very curious but one thing’s for sure. I’m not a boy, not a tomboy, I’M A GIRL OKAY!? Some people say I act like a boy and can even look like one if I dress-up as one. I spend my high school life going to school using the train since I already have no parents. But this train, is my favorite one. I don’t know but I kind of feel something special when I’m riding here.Good thing it’s still vacation…I have a month left.”

“All passengers please don’t leave anything behind.” That’s what they say after opening the doors…

“I can sleep here at least..even for 5 minutes…I really feel sleepy..” Namikawa sat down on one side of the train and was about to close her eyes since there are still 3 stops before her house.

Suddenly, a huge bump happened. Namikawa woke up before she can even sleep.  The train stopped because of system malfunction. It would take an hour before it could be fixed so the people inside panicked.

“WHAT!? I’ll be scolded by my brother…..!!! DAMN!” she stood up but accidentally, someone bumped into her, a rushing man that’s late for work. She was going to fall when a boy caught her back.

“Ouch… what was that.. ah..thank you for catching me!” she was about to turn around and bow but it seems like her hair was stuck into the boy’s shirt button.

“Don’t move! Your hair will be a mess! And if that happens people might think I did something harsh to you so just keep quiet and I’ll remove it!” the boy whispered to her. They did everything they can but it’s still useless. Her hair was really stuck inside the button. The people started noticing the two of them.

*whisper whisper* “Look at the two people over there! Aren’t they just cute? Awww..I wish my boyfriend was that sweet to me.. I envy those guys…”

They ignored it and still continued to remove the hair out of the button.

“Hey, where are you going anyway?” the boy asked.
“3 stops from now. That’s where I’m going. You?” Namikawa said.
“WHAT!?! MY STOP’S THE NEXT ONE! WE HAVE TO HURRY!!!” the boy shouted at her rushing to remove the hair.

~*ring ring ring*~  The boy’s cellphone rang, he picked it up hurriedly and put it on speakers.
“This is Daisuke, I’m in a bit of a complicated situation so please hurry up and tell  me what you’re going to say.”

“HONEY~!!!!!!!!!! Where are you?? I thought we’re having a date?? I’m here now, you’re late by 30 minutes! HONEY!” the girl on the phone said. And because it was on speakers, everyone heard what she said.

*whisper whisper* “What a jerk! He’s just playing with the girl! How come he can act so sweet?! Isn’t he contented?!”

Namikawa heard everyone and had no choice but to blush and face downwards. And did I mention? Namikawa’s blind spot is romance.

At that moment, the boy was feeling guilty. Even though they have no relationship, for the girl being caught up in like a set-up situation, he had to move.

“Yo! Sis! I forgot we have a picnic FAMILY date!  I’ll be late because of train traffic! Wait for me there SIS!” the boy insisted that the caller was his sister, which, everyone didn’t believe at first.

*whisper whisper* “Is the caller really his sister!? How come she called him HONEY!? He’s a jerk and a LIAR! I pity the girl!”

The boy clenched his fist and gulped.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHA! MY NAME’S DAISUKE HANI! That’s why she called me HANI..not the HONEY..but HANI! Y-yeah..that’s it! I’m DAISUKE HANI, the caller was my sister and we have a FAMILY PICNIC DATE. SO PLEASE DON’T PITY THIS GIRL! BECAUSE I HAVE NO ONE TO DATE! YEAH.. AHAHHAA!” the boy was obviously looking weird.

Namikawa faced him for a second and looked down again. She was secretly laughing.

“Oi, mister Hani, are you sure your name’s Hani? Hahaha! What a cute name!” Namikawa said.

*whisper whisper* “Awww, the boy’s such a waste. He’s quite good-looking too! And I thought they were perfect being couple.. I want to take his second button..”

“Please sit down all passengers, the train is now fixed.” The announcement shocked Daisuke and Nami.

“WHAAAAA!! We need to fix this!! Ah..AH!! AH!! I KNOW! I’LL JUST REMOVE THE BUTTON!” Daisuke got the scissors from his bag and cut the button’s stitch. And luckily, the button that was cut was the SECOND BUTTON. But he didn’t notice that a calling card fell into Namikawa’s pouch.

The girls screamed unexpectedly.

“KYAAAAAAAAAAAA!! She’s so lucky!! I wanted to have that button too!!”

Daisuke and Namikawa looked around but they don’t know what’s happening.

“Oi, Mr. Hani, here’s your button. It has no meaning for me anyway..just sew it or do something..thanks for helping me..But what’s with the girls? What’s so important with that button? It irritates me..” Namikawa threw the button back to Daisuke and without looking, the button hit Daisuke’s head.

“Ouch! What the!? I don’t know what’s with this button! But I don’t know how to sew so, if anyone wants it just ask me..I don’t care who the person is anyway..” Daisuke protested.

The two thought that they can relax, now that their problem has been fixed and they don’t want any connection with each other. a blink of an eye..

“HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOMBOY OVER THERE WHO THREW ME BACK MY BUTTON!!! HEEEEELP!!!” Daisuke was shouting at the top of his voice screaming for help because of the rampage that’s happening.

Namikawa’s reflex was fast and she hates crowds and people who take care of other people’s business. She has to repay him anyway.

“, I found the button!” Namikawa got the button inside her bag which decieved the girls. She pretended that the button slipped from her hands and the second button’s now gone.

*whisper whisper* “Since we can’t find the second button..let’s just take any button from him as remembrance!”  the girls were planning.

In the end, Daisuke went out the train almost naked, shirt torned and no more buttons, even his pants, only the zipper and belt.. his hair was messy and his face was scratched and kissed. It’s as if he’s just been raped.

“WOW! That was the best rescue I could have! Thanks to that girl..sheesh..If I EVER SEE HER AGAIN, SHE’S DEAD.!” Daisuke finally arrived in their house and completely forgotten about the date he was supposed to have.

“Heh, Look, Mai, you’re bro’s growing up now! Isn’t it exotic?” Daisuke’s father is a playboy so it’s normal to hear such words from him.

“Uwaaa! Onii-chan, you look like one of the characters of Star Replay! It’s so cool! Like Kikugane! He’s been an eye-candy and he’s the character that’s hard to pursue but worth-it!! He’s my newest crush!! KYAAA!!!” Mai, his sister who’s a video-game addict, an otaku, and all stuff related to games.

“La la la la la…… I bet Daisuke’s happy” Daisuke’s mother, who’s always spacing out, and has no care with the environment.

LET’S SAY, Daisuke has a really complicated life. Well, it’s a fun life though.

“I’m not exotic!! I don’t look like a character from a game and most importantly I’M NOT HAPPY!!! NOT EVEN A PERCENT!!! WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE YOU!?” Daisuke shouted and went straightly to his room.

Daisuke owns a guitar that his father gave him when he was still 8 years old. He had no interest in playing it although he treasures it more than anything. Well, anything except the calling card that he keeps. His life is on debt since the day he joined a gang. Every night he stares at it and thinks of plans that can make him quit the gang. He was going to sleep then.

“Damn..It was a pretty bad day, I should’ve known that girl was deceitful! Hmm..I’ll just forget about it now and think..” Daisuke got his bag and searched for the calling card but it wasn’t there.

“Wha..wha..I’m sure I put it here! I’m sure! COULD IT BE THAT IT FELL ON THE TRAIN WHEN I PICKED UP THE SCISSORS?! THEN..that girl might’ve got it! I’m freakin’ dead…” Daisuke murmured to himself all night and sulked.

-Will he be able to get the calling card? Gambatte ne Daisuke-kun!-

-UP next, CHAPTER 2- My Story ●  Unrevealed

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