Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fanservice ~Aiya! Aiya! Aiya!~ Resistance χ Kiss (Part 2)

Inside the hotsprings, the girls were happily bathing. Specially Ai. It's her first time inside a hot spring.

Meanwhile, outside, the staff of the gero onsen found out about the jumbled signs. She corrected them quickly and returned to her workplace. Just after that, the boys finally went out to bathe in the hotspring too. They were walking slowly so that people can't notice them. (remember what happened?) They successfully arrived at the door of the hot spring. It's closed and OPAQUE so they can't see clearly if people are inside. Fortunately, Yoshi's hearing is waaaay too sensitive. He heard the voices of the girls.

"So, Ai.. who do like more? Sho or Shikashi?" Rie asked.
"Yeah! We've been curious.. you three almost go together perfectly.." Kaori said.
"Same with me! Ne, Ai-chan??" Tsuki smiled.
"Meh.." Akumu sighed.
"Pfft. She's not answering.." Asami said.
"There's 50% that she likes Sho and 50% she likes Shikashi. That is what it says.." Michiko implied.

Ai got cornered. The boys were eavesdropping. They got curious. Specially Sho and Shikashi.
"Etou.." Ai was about to answer when..

"Excuse me, sir, why don't you come inside instead of staying outside. It looks like your company wants to get in the hot springs already." the staff said. The boys got surprised and wasn't able to hold back the staff. "Ekk! We're dead!!!" Hayase took a step backward but, it seems BAD LUCK day has arrived for the boys. Hayase slipped and accidentally opened the door.

The boys fell down the floor because of Hayase. That moment, the girls were standing up on their towels fresh from bath. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!~!" the girls shouted. The boys blushed and quickly closed their eyes. "We're sorry!! But the sign says BOYS'. So we entered!! But..why are there girls here?!" Sho said. "I just found out that the girls have nice bodies.." Shikashi said. *boom!* "ITAI!!!" Shikashi shouted because Yoshi punched him. "Hime-sama needs privacy." Yoshi said.

"The signs said that it's the GIRLS' Hot spring!" Machiko insisted.
"NO!! THE SIGNS SAID that this is the BOYS'!" Kiyoshi implied.
"Uhm. Hime-sama, Goshujin-sama, please stop fighting. It has been seen that a kid jumbled the signs and wasn't able to correct it. The CCTV cam recorded it."

"WHA?" both groups agreed. They went outside to play games after they're done preparing.
Tsuki got a list of groups for the games. Shikashi-Ai-Sho, Asami-Shurui-Hajime, Riku-Machiko-Michiko-Mikai, Hayase-Tsuki-Shouchirou-Kaori, Kiyoshi-Akumu-Yoshihiro.

After that, they gathered around a fire and played the truth or dare game. The bottle turned at Hayase and was dared to take off his socks and roll it all over his face, spread it to everyone and say it clearly.. "IT SMELLS SOOOOOO SWEET!!". He did the exact same thing and felt embarassed. Although, the others tried to keep their laughs because they know that if they say something that can hurt Hayase's feelings, they might get hurt...[okay..he's attitude is close to fuji-senpai]

The others went round and round and round and round. IN THE END, they all got embarassed. For some previews, Ai was ordered to have a sexy dance with Shikashi. Akumu was dared to kiss a boy which was Kiyoshi to be specific it's for 5 minutes..imagine all you want. Machiko was dared to ask a boy to carry her like a princess. Tsuki was dared to shout I love you to the boy she likes which was Shoucirou. Asami was dared to pour sake all through out her body..from her face to her feet. [GM ACTIVATE] Rie was dared to be carried by Yoshi to throw her to the pond near the Gero-Onsen. Michiko was dared to exchange kisses with a....FROG. NOPE. not SHIKASHI. BUT A REAL FROG. Maki was ordered to kiss the owner of gero-onsen. The 80-year old owner of gero-onsen. -until here- [the other boys' dares will be revealed in PART 3: Stupid Love ХХХ Genius Love]

After the truth or dare, they decided a game of tag. But this game was different from the original tag game. It's like getting in the Interschool Rankings. If one person from each group will be caught, they will be divided into different places. GOOD LUCK.

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