Wednesday, May 11, 2011


L©ve Net: Search me!

In a year, how many people find their true love? In a month, how many people break up? In a week, how many confessions are made? In a day, how many people become friends? All this words are trapped inside a boy’s mind. Wanting to find true love, wanting to destroy people’s hearts, he’s a typical desperate boy for all people. Although, these people doesn’t know what his life was like. He can’t go out of their house because of trauma. He can’t play, he even can’t speak when he was still 5 years old, he can’t walk, the longest step he took was 3 steps. 

11 years passed and he can finally do what other people do. Walk, eat, speak, run, play, and other fun stuff. But because of the long time span that he took to recover, most of the people don’t know his identity. Whenever he steps out of their house, girls start to crowd over him. He’s quite a cute, but shy boy. Unlike other boys, he’s barely too hard to handle. He doesn’t go to school but knowledge has been learned by him, the moment he held a book with his own hands. One time, he decided to go to school all by himself and make friends. He then enrolled at Koien Fuzoku.

The first time he entered, he’s already welcomed. The problem is, he doesn’t know how to socialize. He thought of a plan to make himself more comfortble when he’s with other people. He checked upon blogging and networking sites, and searched for good friends to be with. One site attracted his attention. Everyday he checks on that site for latest news and became a fan.

Then he sooner realized, he wanted to become a part of the group. He wanted himself to be recognized by someone who should be able to know him deeply.

Can you figure out the mystery?

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